
Literature & Craft

Insights about writing: craft, ethics, tikanga and power dynamics in publishing: learned mostly through experience, personal study and mentoring with tuākana rather than formal training.

N A Hura
Members Public

So you want to publish a book?

Sometimes, publishing can be as simple as having access to the means of production: a printer, glue, and a craft knife.

N A Hura
Members Public

Post-script: Responding to the comments....

This is my wero and karanga back to you e te tuahine. What about that initial vision you talked to me about? Do you remember?

N A Hura
Members Public

Too many Hāngī / Tangi stories: A critical review of a critical review (TEXT)

In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!!!!!!!!

N A Hura
Members Public

Too Many Hāngī / Tangi Stories: A critical review of a critical review (AUDIO ONLY)

In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!

N A Hura
Members Public

The Terrible Quietness

It's dangerous to speak up, but how much more dangerous is it not to?

N A Hura
Members Public

The only writing prompt you might ever need

I met a couple of kids on the banks of the Wairoa and we got talking.